Next Protocol | Defi Tokens for the Robot Economy


The following review, is a detailed summary and analysis about the NEXT Protocol Project. This will be helpful for everyone who wants to learn more and get an objective view about the NEXT Protocol Project.

NEXT Protocol

NEXT Protocol, a protocol that allows developers to build robots and tokenize them. NEXT Protocol allows easy publication of Robot Services using the Robots (NEXTiBOTs) and other OEM Robots.

With the solutions offered by the NEXT Protocol, it is possible for developers to easily publish robot services in the market and get profit from it through their tokens. Each robot earnings will be distributed to token holders, which can be stake and get the yield from it.
The solution developed by the NEXT Protocol is fairly innovative where each development can not only build their own robot but can also customize tokens for their robots which will bring benefits to developers through the robot services they offer.

Advance Mechanics

Next Protcocol work on advance mechanics system. Advanced mechanics is an interdisciplinary field that coordinates software engineering a lot. Advanced mechanics includes the plan, development, activity, and utilization of robots. The objective of advanced mechanics is to configure machines that can help and help people. Advanced mechanics coordinate fields of mechanical designing, electrical designing, data designing, mechatronics, gadgets, bioengineering, PC designing, control designing, computer programming, among others.

The following protocol works behind NextiBots and Next Token. Here how it functions:

For Developers: 

Using their tweaked token designer's constructed mechanical applications; they are then delivered on the lookout for buy and usage.

The Mission and Aims

NEXT Protocol aims to change the world by integrating robots into the everyday lives of everyone for a smarter way of life.

The mission is to accelerate the benefits of Next Generation Technology through human-centered design for everyday life. That the team at NEXT Protocol is accelerating a future where Robot, Blockchain and Virtual Reality make life easier and help robots connect with people and perform tasks independently.

In addition, NEXT Protocol pushes the boundaries of robotic technology for enrichment Human interaction. To enable robot owners to get what they need applications built from each market in an efficient manner would require a simple and straightforward ecosystem. NEXT token along with Protocol not only activate it, but also generate added value in the form of profit through efficiency. Importantly, it is enabled by Blockchain for security, ownership & DeFi to earn income.


NEXTiBOT is an AI-based robot that is fully supported by the NEXT Protocol. NEXTiBOT is intended for touchless management systems, intelligent receptionists, social distance monitoring inspectors, and many others. NEXTiBOT aims to create a world where robots can be integrated into everyday human life, which can streamline and accelerate human work. With the help of NEXT Protocol, not only will we build robots, but we will also build an economy, which will support developers in providing and developing robots.

The NEXT protocol is used to build, build, and collaborate on next generation robots and their associated applications for real-life problem solving use cases such as Covid scenarios, Robot Gaming and NFT Robot.

NEXT Token allows Developers to build Robot Applications with their custom tokens and apply in the market for businesses and companies to buy and consume them.

Companies can activate and deploy the Robot with prebuilt applications eg. NEXTiBOT which includes Greet-iBot, Safe-iBot etc. They can even float projects for developers to build new robots.

Gamers can create Robot games on ROS and run them Processor and turn the hexacore. Robot can be activated for edge problem-solving computing to get in the inbuilt robot wallet.

Robot Token Holders by wagering NEXT Tokens can get rental proceeds for Robot applications that are in a former business scenario through Blockchain Wallet Node for each Robot. Blockchain algorithms will be used for decentralization and swarm of robotics.

NEXT Token

NEXT is a token provided by the NEXT Protocol. NEXT is based on ERC-20 tokens, which allows users to store them in digital wallets that support ERC-20 based tokens or trade them on exchanges.

NEXT token holders can stake their tokens and get a yield from their staking. Token holders also get 50% of the rental yields of the robots, which are given by robot providers to the ecosystem of NEXT token holders. Not only that, by becoming a NEXT token holder, you have the opportunity to vote on Robot work and deployment decisions.

NEXT Token provides token holders with a simple, smart and user-friendly method to move early into the burgeoning Robo economy. By owning a token, you get the opportunity to use it as companies and developers build and deploy Robots for consumer and business use cases, taking advantage of Covid's current business needs and issuing Ethereum tokens without permission and is unrestricted.


The NEXT Protocol team comprises of topnotch professionals in their domains. They have ambitious goals  which will enable them to set new standards for the Market. To achieve this goal a strong Team is built with all the necessary skills, talents and long-time experience needed for the project. Most of the team members on NEXT Protocol have verified LinkedIn profiles.

You can be a part of this tremendous project by following these links;









Username: temillion

Bitcointalk profile;u=1839623

Eth Address


Telegram: @nugezmils



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