The following review, is a detailed summary and analysis about the WINBIX Project. This will be helpful for everyone who wants to learn more and get an objective view about the WINBIX Project.

The WINBIX System is designed to create a new sales channel that would make it possible for the Seller to sell the products with maximum efficiency and for the Buyer to buy for a reasonable price. The main objective of the Winbix project is to create a new sales channel that will allow the seller to sell goods at the price of demand, and the buyer to purchase at the desired price. Naturally, the idea is very worthwhile, so the Winbix project management took care of intellectual rights and has already applied for a copyright patent. The basis of this system is the auction on the contrary, that is, the price does not rise, but lowers to a certain limit, which is determined randomly by the Winbix system.
Target Project Audience
Small and medium intermediaries / manufacturers who cannot afford to bear the costs of organizing and maintaining online sales. Further, the marketplace will be useful for companies wishing to occupy a niche among customers with a limited income level (target audience of bulletin boards, joint purchases).
Small and medium intermediaries / manufacturers who cannot afford to bear the costs of organizing and maintaining online sales. Further, the marketplace will be useful for companies wishing to occupy a niche among customers with a limited income level (target audience of bulletin boards, joint purchases).
People with average and below average income having to combine an acceptable consumption level and limited financial resources. The audience ready for time-consuming costs in exchange for the option of obtaining a satisfactory price offer
People with average and below average income having to combine an acceptable consumption level and limited financial resources. The audience ready for time-consuming costs in exchange for the option of obtaining a satisfactory price offer
Features of the Winbix Platform
The price discount range is determined randomly according to the previous price and the point at which this value stands and the amount of each subsequent price is not known by the buyer.
As soon as the inventory status is announced to the buyer, each price may be the last.
The buyer can adjust any price value that the system should report to the buyer, and the seller can access this information. Thus, it is possible to predict the level of price formation.
All items related to the price discount range are set by the seller. Some opportunities are created for the purchase of the product at the desired price. The correlation between the cost of sales and the increase in the quality of the services provided, the products sold, is taken into account.In the event of any dispute, an independent arbitration system shall be established. The consumer or purchaser may request a separate assessment of the quality of the services provided or of the works of the seller.
Advantages of the Project
Consumer/Buyer communication intended to increase the quality of provided services: if necessary, the Seller will be able to obtain a detailed assessment of the quality of works.
Receipt of information from the Buyers about price expectations per each item, including quantitative assessment of such expectations by the Seller: usually, the Seller can only assume what the possible sale volumes could be, while making any discounts. In our case, the Seller will obtain exact figures for notice requests at each price level, per each item.
Due to the Buyers’ ability to make quotations for Sellers, the Sellers will have an opportunity of assessing instant liquidity of stock balances, whereas the Buyers will have an additional opportunity of purchasing products at a reasonable price.
Project access available to many persons interested in the Project development and securing return on investments.
Winbix and Blockchain Technology
All data about transactions concluded through the WINBIX sales system will be kept in Ethereum (Events) blockchain, so that all participants involved in the process could be sure of performance of the declared conditions.
Revenue and Participants of the Project
Token holders
Revenue of the token holders is ensured by increase in the fixed price of tokens buyback by the System (+100% per annum during 5 years) and increase in capitalization under the token security smart contract (without capping during 5 years).
Revenue of the token holders is ensured by increase in the fixed price of tokens buyback by the System (+100% per annum during 5 years) and increase in capitalization under the token security smart contract (without capping during 5 years).
Involvement thereof in the dispute settlement commissions is remunerated.
Further, the Buyer may receive additional remuneration from the Seller for finish (optionally) of a detailed questionnaire explaining the customer satisfaction level. The remuneration amount is determined by the Seller independently, subject to the need in feedback.
Involvement thereof in the dispute settlement commissions is remunerated.
Further, the Buyer may receive additional remuneration from the Seller for finish (optionally) of a detailed questionnaire explaining the customer satisfaction level. The remuneration amount is determined by the Seller independently, subject to the need in feedback.
The Sellers pay a commission fee to the System pro rata to the rating (Buyers’ satisfaction ratio).
Fee calculation principle: for any effected sale, a commission fee is charged from the Seller in the amount of X% as of the sale value (depending on the sale region, product category). Based on the results of the billing period the average rating per each Seller is calculated and the paid commission (PC) is recalculated according to the following formula: commission fee amount = X-(PC×X)/10. The overpaid commission amount shall be refunded to the Seller’s account.
The Sellers pay a commission fee to the System pro rata to the rating (Buyers’ satisfaction ratio).
Fee calculation principle: for any effected sale, a commission fee is charged from the Seller in the amount of X% as of the sale value (depending on the sale region, product category). Based on the results of the billing period the average rating per each Seller is calculated and the paid commission (PC) is recalculated according to the following formula: commission fee amount = X-(PC×X)/10. The overpaid commission amount shall be refunded to the Seller’s account.
Token and ICO Details
WINBIX is an ERC20-based platform. WCX, which is the token of the platform, will be used in the operation of the platform. Tokens purchased from pre -DAICO and KYC are reserved with smart contracts as WBX tokens.Unlike traditional shops, the project tries to show the decline in prices with advertisements. Thus, it aims to attract the attention of the consumer.
Token Name: WBX
Platform Token: Ethereum
Token Type: ERC20
Price ICO: 0.0526 USD
Tokens Sale: 25,000,000
Accepting Payment: ETH
Soft cap: 6,250,000
Hard cap: 25,000,000
If SOFTCAP is not hit within DAICO terms, the KYC procedure is not performed and the token holders initiate the refund procedure under the smart contract (tokens are returned to the smart contract, subject to receipt of the paid funds in ETH). The refund procedure is activated in 48 hours upon DAICO finish.
Marketing allocations (Bounty, Airdrop, referral programmes) include 2 500 000 WBX – 2% as of the sold tokens; if the gathered amount is less than the maximum, a part of tokens is destroyed. If SOFTCAP is not hit, no tokens are allocated to the participants of marketing programmes.
If SOFTCAP is not hit within DAICO procedure, the Project may attract the necessary funding in a different way. Thereat, the Project obligations to token holders who acquired them at PreDAICO stage shall be kept to the same extent, as they would have been, if DAICO HARDCAP had been hit. It means that the investors’ share of profits under the Project shall remain the same for PreDAICO participants.
Funds Allocation
Funds received from the sale of WBX tokens are kept under DAICO smart contract, from which funds are allocated to the Project team through the monthly financing procedure.
Roadmap and Development Perspective

Unique Team
The Winbix team comprises of topnotch professionals in their domains. They have ambitious goals which will enable them to set new standards for the Market. To achieve this goal a strong Team is built with all the necessary skills, talents and long-time experience needed for the project. Most of the team members on Winbix have verified LinkedIn profiles. This is all good because the more transparency a company have in regard to their team, the more trustworthy they typically are.

Winbix mainly focuses on offering services for the sale of products through auctions.The primary income source of the company will be the commission income from the sale of the products to be auctioned on the e-commerce platform. Be a part of this tremendous project and follow these links for more information:
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BITCOINTALK PROFILE;u=1729621;u=1729621
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