SERO - The World's First Truly Privacy Protection Platform for Decentralized Applications


The following review, is a detailed summary and analysis about the SERO Project. This will be helpful for everyone who wants to learn more and get an objective view about the SERO Project.


SERO is the world's first privacy coin Protocol supporting smart contract using Zero-Knowledge Proof. SERO is the world's first Privacy Protection platform which allows developers to issue privacy coins and use them in DApps. SERO is the world's first blockchain system that truly realizes the complete privacy protection of blockchains through non-interactive zero-knowledge proof. Compared to the existing blockchain privacy protection technologies. SERO not only can realize the privacy protection of account and transaction information but also support Turing complete smart contracts. SERO re-designed the blockchain structure and various underlying protocols, making Turing complete smart contract for privacy protection come true. Making privacy protection measures available for a wider range of application scenarios, and making the attacks on user’s private data more challenging with the advanced NIZK encryption algorithm. The upcoming SERO V1.0 release, NIZK encryption algorithm is thoroughly optimized, which greatly reduces the memory resources required and improves the computational efficiency. Compared with the mainstream privacy cryptocurrencies, SERO's supports of Turing complete smart contracts, privacy protection measures and its related decentralized applications have significantly broadened its use-case scenarios.

Features of the Platform

Sero Protocol: This backings smart contract creation and privacy of digital assets.
Alien Protocol: This comprehends the present security chance in the transmission of data inside a decentralized system.
Castrol Protocol: This gives the top of the line insurance to each and every hub on the internet inside a decentralized system.
SERO Design: In order to make the SERO design unique, they will be operating with these principles:
Anti-statistical analysis: actual user behavior has statistical characteristics. If the transaction data in the blockchain network has a correlation that reflect such statistical characteristics, it is possible to deduce the addresses belongs to a specific user through statistical analysis of the blockchain data. When ring signatures are used, the ability to resist statistical analysis will decrease if ring members or nodes are malicious. SERO must be able to completely hide the address and the relationship between addresses by technological means.
Practicality principles: SERO, while hiding the transaction data, will not take all the
information into its scope, which can be uneconomical and inefficient. SERO will consider the user's existing usage habits and concerns to carry out research and development periodically.
Un-traceable: It is expected that every transaction on blockchain network should have an input or output, this construct an acyclic graph of transactions, this is base where all transaction flows and can be tracked, the purpose of SERO design is to break the link between the two transactions, this will make the attacks impossible
Un-associable: Every user on the blockchain network has their own collection address. Once an address is related to the real user identity, all transaction that takes place in the network can be associated with the corresponding user identity.
SERO is a product of years of research to solve the problem of privacy and security issues in the modern-day blockchain. With a unique solution of supporting smart contracts and enabling the creation of Decentralized applications, SERO will be top class's privacy chain project in years to come. SERO privacy security solutions are built on three main protocols which are Sero protocol, Alien protocol, and Castrol protocol.

SERO Hybrid Model

SERO applies UTXO and ACCOUNT models together, using UTXO model where CT(Confi
dential Transactions) are required, and using ACCOUNT model where smart contracts need to be run. SERO seamlessly integrates these two models through trading, consensus, and Pedersen Commitment algorithms, enabling smart contracts to perform surprisingly.

SERO Future Plan

Some of SERO future plans include;
Latest Consensus Mechanism: Within one year, the team will release a new consensus mechanism SE-Random in an updated version of SERO. The design will combine the latest PBFT theory and VRF algorithm in the consensus mechanism capable of balance fairness and efficiency.
Privacy Three Swordsmen: SERO has two related protocols, the Alien Protocol and the Castro Protocol. The former provides a distributed DNS system to obtain the stable operation of the network and information transmission by means of automatic addressing. The latter implements encrypted privacy protection for the IP address of the node, forming a complete decentralized application privacy protection scheme in the 3 in 1 suite.
Multi-chain system: The multi-chain system is the SERO’s scalability solution. SERO will use a mechanism similar to the Ethereum’s Plasma for performance expansion based on multi-chain system, SERO’s status updates per second can reach extremely high levels (possibly billions). This solution allows SERO to have the capability to replace today’s centralized clusters with better performance, giving SERO the prospect of handling privacy-related decentralized applications around the world.

Unique Team

The SERO team comprises of topnotch professionals in their domains. They have ambitious goals  which will enable them to set new standards for the Market. To achieve this goal a strong Team is built with all the necessary skills, talents and long-time experience needed for the project. Most of the team members on SERO have verified LinkedIn profiles. This is all good because the more transparency a company have in regard to their team, the more trustworthy they typically are.
The SERO's R&D team (SERO Team) is the only team in the world that presents a complete solution to solve the Privacy problem and has completed major R&D work. SERO team not only considers the privacy of DAPP Users' accounts and transactions but also fully considers privacy protection of DAPPs’ developers, making privacy protection of the DAPP Ecosystem truly secure and stable.
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