BEATRIX - The Revolution of Energy and Telecommunication Distribution

ICO market is nowadays pretty similar to the Wild West during the gold rush period. It is possible to earn money very quickly, sometimes even good money, but you have to find a perfect spot, or in this case, a good project to invest. Common thing to the Wild West? No guaranties and almost no law. It is pretty easy to find bad cowboys which are going to promise you golden mountains to steal your last piece of bread. So in all this mess, if you want to find your gold nugget, you can trust just your own brain composites.
After my research, I found this project in which I really put my faith: BEATRIX. Very likely you haven’t heard about them, project is made by great team members. Nevertheless, guys have an advantage, many other teams does not: already existing product made on a very perspective field. But these are not all pluses I found in this project. Below you can read the analysis and decide on your own, do you want to send some pennies to the pot.
BEATRIX is an eco-friendly, affordable and sustainable energy project to address energy and telecommunications crises and shortages across Africa. The solution proposed by BEATRIX is to build a distributed energy tower using technology to efficiently produce green energy. Energy towers are patented innovations that are more efficient than wind or solar.
These towers are distributed throughout the continent through DETD (Decentralized Energy and Telecommunication Distribution 0 ecosystem) and ecosystems are developed through cooperation between German and Swiss companies.
The generated energy is stored in the RIX token, and the RIX token is completely an ERC-20 compliant Ethereum utility token. RIX is purely eco-friendly and will be the first and only energy-based token to be generated on its own and operates independently of other vendors.
Modern society can not exist without electricity, and DETD plays an important role in producing and distributing electricity and provides energy for millions of people.
BEATRĪX responds to growing demand for high-performance communications, and Africa wants to overcome digital development and change, one of the biggest challenges of society. Power and communications exist only in Africa's rural communities and limited power grid, I want to provide this relatively expensive access fee in an area that I can not afford. People in rural areas have to pay more for electricity than grass-bound areas in cities, which is neither our goal nor our plan.
BEATRĪX provides affordable power to rural residents to speed up regional development.
Using mobile devices and local commands, consumers pay for their electricity and communication services on the platform. You are already paying for data from your local carrier. Network coverage is not always available, but 80% of Africans own cellular devices. You have the ability to display and trade RIX tokens, the only digital currency used on the platform.
The platform allows customers to connect equipment. Provide superior customer service based on real-time data. For example, proactive reminders can be immediately sent to a customer service agent to track problems before they occur.
Payment is supported in a way that benefits both the customer and the supplier. This system can turn off the equipment remotely when the monthly payment is not made, then turn it back on after the payment resumes.
There is also an option to leverage RIX, which occurs whenever 1MW DETD is built and activated, through energy auctions. This is to enable to take advantage of price fluctuations according to RIX demand and supply. Everyone in the world can invest, trade, and buy RIX.
The Beatrix Platform aims to provide a power trade system that will promote a sustainable electrical energy transaction ecosystem between the DETDs, consumers, investors and traders.
The Bеаtrіx рlаtfоrm consists оf dіvеrѕе attributes such аѕ RIX tоkеn a ѕmаrt design ability tо bе lіnkеd wіth сuѕtоmеr’ѕ еԛuірmеnt, hоldеr аnd trader раgеѕ, аnd a basic аnd аdvаnсеd mоdе which allows anyone іn thе world tо invest, trаdе аnd еnеrgу- соnѕumеrѕ tо рurсhаѕе the RĪX, whісh оffеrѕ a bаѕіс mоdе fоr uѕеr, consumer, seller, аnd аn advanced mode fоr Trаdеr.
The Beatrix buoyancy tech has already been implemented into its Energy Towers. This tech exceeds the efficiency of wind and solar power by far. It makes this energy source much cheaper than anything that exists in the market of sub-Sahara. DETD will rely on a system of Energy towers. This will be a biogas plant and a telecom pole that will supply power and mobile coverage. To achieve this, they will utilize microgrids, different from the centralized distribution model.
Another highlight of this technology is the blockchain service and trading platform called RPM and the utility token Rix. This is the only form of payment for power and telecom services in the prepaid top-up system. Investors, consumers, and traders of Rix will meet on the platform to purchase power or trade the tokens.
The main feature of Rix is an upfront charge of 5KWh. This reinforces the high expectations in terms of positive price growth. The project also plans to co-operate with a local NGO to drill five water wells for every MW plant. Thus, it wants to ensure its slogan of being “the first social ICO” becomes a reality.
How does DETD relate to the Beatrix Platform
DETD'ѕ will play аn important role іn thе wау еlесtrісіtу іѕ gеnеrаtеd аnd dіѕtrіbutеd, рrоvіdіng mоdеrn energy to mіllіоnѕ оf people, whіlе placing thе continent аt thе fоrеfrоnt оf a global energy trаnѕfоrmаtіоn. DETDs have the роtеntіаl tо alleviate thе social іnеԛuаlіtіеѕ rеіnfоrсеd bу сеntrаlіzеd grіdѕ and to bypass thіѕ challenge аnd rаріdlу deliver роwеr to соmmunіtіеѕ without grіd access.
BEATRīX wіll ореn uр a рrоduсtіоn fасtоrу оn ѕіtе supported bу аn EPC Cоmраnу (Engіnееrіng, Prосurеmеnt, Construction) wіll dеvеlор, dерlоу, build up аnd еxtеnd thе Enеrgу Tоwеrѕ іn thе рlаnnеd аnd needed areas. DETDs are сараblе оf supplying rеlіаblе аnd mоdеrn lеvеlѕ of energy ѕеrvісеѕ, whіlе grіd extension іѕ tоо ѕlоw and expensive tо rеасh the mіllіоnѕ of people wіthоut еlесtrісіtу.
Token Sale and ICO Details
Ticker: RIX
Private Sale: July 1, 2018 – July 11, 2018
Pre ICO: July 18, 2018 – August 28, 2018
ICO Main Sale: October 12, 2018 – November 12, 2018
Price: 100 RīX = US $ 2,50
HARD CAP: 12,500,000
Accepted: BTC, ETH, USD, EUR
ICO Location: Germany
Above you can see the roadmap — how the team sees their nearest and long-term future.
Team seems to be the strongest part of this project. It consists of innovative and talented people. Of course I cannot complain if we talk about their professional level, guys indeed are experts on their field.
For more information, please visit:


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