ICO market is nowadays pretty similar to the Wild West during the gold rush period. It is possible to earn money very quickly, sometimes even good money, but you have to find a perfect spot, or in this case, a good project to invest. Common thing to the Wild West? No guaranties and almost no law. It is pretty easy to find bad cowboys which are going to promise you golden mountains to steal your last piece of bread. So in all this mess, if you want to find your gold nugget, you can trust just your own brain composites.

After my research, I found this project in which I really put my faith: MODULE. Very likely you haven’t heard about them, project is made by great team members. Nevertheless, guys have an advantage, many other teams does not: already existing product made on a very perspective field. But these are not all pluses I found in this project. Below you can read the analysis and decide on your own, do you want to send some pennies to the pot.
StealthCrypto is a decentralized global and quantum meshed network by Stealth Grid. Quantum Cyber Security for a new era of communication - They are developing the largest network of decentralized, incentive-based, self-sustainable quantum networks based on blockchain technology. Using proprietary end-to-end dynamic split encryption, dynamic split-geodistribution and quantum number generation, quantum key distribution, and authentication. The ultimate in secure quantum cryptography for data protection, as well as blockchain, communications, smart city platforms, IoT and banking. The team is creating a single Quantum Secure Digital Identity (QSDI) ecosystem that will be far superior to all existing, secure, private, and on-demand identification systems.
StealthCrypto and the Stealth Grid development team boast strong technical expertise and unique market knowledge, with 2/3 of R & D employees including an international team of security experts and a number of world-famous cryptographers. Stealth Crypto is a platform created to provide a safe place to store all data and cryptocurrency transactions quickly. The word 'safe' represents the platform's ability to make every transaction undetectable by others (unknown to others in blockchain). It is a decentralized and autonomous technology.
Quantum Cyber Security for a new age of communications – We are developing the largest decentralized, incentivized, self-sustainable, quantum mesh network based on blockchain technology. Using proprietary, end-to-end Dynamic Split Encryption™, Dynamic Split GeoDistribution™”, and quantum number generation, quantum key distribution and authentication. The Ultimate in Quantum Secure Cryptography for data protection, as well as blockchain, communications, smart city platforms, IoT and banking. The Team is creating a single Quantum Secure Digital Identity (QSDI) ecosystem that will be far superior than any existing ID systems, that is secure, private and available on demand.
StealthCrypto® and the Stealth Grid™ development team prides ourselves on strong technical expertise and unique market knowledge, with 2/3 of employees working in R&D, including an international team of security experts and a number of world renowned cryptographers.
StealthGrid is a blockchain-powered platform, which facilitates an enhanced data protection service by integrating existing renewable technology into the cyber security industry. StealthGrid has created a cyber-security ecosystem that shares and keeps data more safely. The platform leverages a system that directly encrypts data in a high-performance way. It offers a network and data protection that is perfect for services such as Cloud Storage.
The current storage of data, telecommunications, video calling software and instant messaging are not completely secured and are easily prone to investigation and utilization by governments, corporations and malevolent third parties, as well as being less resourceful and economical than might be expected.
The advancement and economies are facing a technological insurgency. In an interconnected world, cyber-security becomes fundamental to individuals, governments, cities as well as enterprises. Currently, most individuals and companies are not prepared to provide sufficient security regarding their communication. Stealth Grid intends to put up variation to that.
To combat this looming security crisis; we need a robust decentralized, independent, major mesh network that works across most different standards of device communication. Stealth Grid’s major cyber security solutions make decentralization, encryption and authentication faster, easier and stronger. Stealth Grid in one way or the other protects data from being conceded by using proprietary Stealth Crypto dynamic end-to-end split data encryption layered with Polymorphic Hashed Encryption which is Dynamically Split Geo Distributed, creating a meshed decentralized network for Stealth Crypto telecommunications, authentication, and data that uses proprietary AI Cyber Security.
Quantum Cyber Security
Building a decentralized system of telecommunications and information storage is a stage for Stealthgrid. Besides decentralization, this communication system is also the bonus, independent, decentralized, independent, and complex telecommunication. While to allow it to occur Stealthgrid use blockchain technology.
The Stealthgrid system does the energy of information storage, telecommunications, and integrated communications which exist now. The embodiment of the would be to create architectural changes in server-centric systems into decentralized networks which will be owned and run by consumers.
Mesh Network of STEALTHCRYPTO Delivered Quantum Entropy
Quantum-powered StealthCrypto entropy engine cryptography that provides full quantum entropy (one quantum entropy bit per output bit) at the rates required for the data center, cloud, large-scale Internet (loT) and mobile applications. This will increase with the adoption of our decentralized Quantum mesh network that will create a quantum supercomputer.
With StealthCrypto NAS and the Smartphone model, StealthCrypto distributes the true entropy of a quantum source to correctly generate random numbers in data centers and networked devices (a concept similar to the NTP protocol) to ensure a consistent date / time.
StealthCrypto has the experience and the expertise to protect your data using next-generation decentralized blockchain security technology to help defend against emerging challenges in an evolving threat landscape. Our high-performance network encryption for long-term data protection Quantum key generation and quantum key distribution. StealthCrypto makes cloud storage, IoT , and communications secure, and faster with StealthCrypto’s patented StealthCrypto.
Token Name: QMN
Currencies: US, ETH, BTC, LTC
Platform: Ethereum
Location: Gibraltar
Total token supply: 400,000,000
200,000,000 tokens for Stage 1 Token Crowdsale
Pre Tokens Sale to start on January 28, 2018. The initial token price (ICO) will be set at a minimum of S0 .50, or present market value above S0 .50, when ICO launches July 05, 2018. 200,000,000 tokens will be reserved for Stage 2 Token Crowdsale (50% of total).
Stage 2 will happen no sooner than 2020, and all tokens will be sold at market price, not at a fixed $0 .50 USO value (important note: all percentage below will be adjusted in accordance with actual amount raised, e.g. if we sell 70M of 1 00M tokens, the following numbers will be multiplied by 0.007)
Use of Proceeds
ETH/USD Reserve (15.00%)
Business Development (12.00%)
IoT Development (10.00%)
Sales & Distribution (5.00%)
Production Cost (50.00%)
Legal Expenses (5.00%)
Insurance & Expenses (3.00%)
Business DevelopmentPercentage: 12.0%
StealthCrypto® Allocation
Sales/Development (53.19%)
Marketing (4.26%)
StealthGrid (19.15%)
LLK Foundation (2.13%)
Later Funding (21.28%)
Q1 2018, Quantum Cyber Security Solutions, to launch the peer communication product for cloud storage, file sharing, email and data encryption
Q2 2018, StelathCrypto Distributed Network, meshed PTP cloud storage network, in the end, dynamic split encryption with disruptive authentication algorithms
Q3 2018, Qubit Blockchain Development, to develop the Qubit platform and testing all thing to make sure it worked
Q4 2018, Blockchain Launching, Launch the blockchain system of the StealthCrypto
Q2 2019, Qubit Exchange Launching, in the end, Qubit Exchange will launch in the Q2 of 2018
Above you can see the roadmap — how the team sees their nearest and long-term future.
Team seems to be the strongest part of this project. It consists of innovative and talented people. Of course I cannot complain if we talk about their professional level, guys indeed are experts on their field.
Larry Castro: Chief Executive Officer
William Eilers: Executive Vice President And General Counsel
Jay Dills: CIO And VP For Engineering
Darin Andersen: Chief Operating Officer
Jorge Andres Ramos Eguinoa: Development Team- Project Leader / Software Architect
James Scott: Development Team- Security Architect
Randy Hest: Development Team- Security Architect
Daniel Saavedra: UI and Design Team- Project Leader / Creative Director
Carlos Costantini: UI and Design Team- Graphic Designer
Gurminder Singh Khalsa: Advisory Board & QUBIT Blockchain Development
Stan Larimer: Advisory Board Godfather Of BitShares
Darren McVean: MVP Asia Pacific Inc.
Darren McVean: MVP Asia Pacific Inc.
Chief Executive Officer
Robin Pinzon: MVP Asia Pacific Inc.
Project Manager, Software & Web Dept.
Jay Turla: MVP Asia Pacific Inc.
Lead Engineer & Smart Contract Specialist
Sheryll Manguerra: MVP Asia Pacific Inc.
Operations Manager
The main goal of the Stealth Grid is to simplify the most secure, reliable, modern and advanced, decentralized and autonomous cryptography and encryption technologies and make them accessible to all. Stealth Grid is the first network to adopt the blockchain for real-time communication networks and industrial use. By joining the Stealth Grid eco-network, you can do everything you've done before: conversations, calls, exchange photos / videos and documents, without having to worry about security and privacy issues in your virtual world, whether your communication for personal or professional purposes.
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