SOLAREX – The latest generation hybrid solar power source with BlockChain Technology


Blockchain technology is a transparent digital transaction book and records that are immune to modification or deletion. Offering additional features of increased security, cost reduction, time efficiency and error tolerance, the chain-chain grew, fluctuated in 2017. The utility of blockchain technology is unlimited, triggering an increase in the list of companies, industries and government studying its potential adoption. A blockchain is an immutable public book that records digital transactions.
Solarex aims to generate energy through photoelectric solar power plants and distribute it to households and businesses, through the use of cryptocurrencies and the use of IoT theories (Internet of things). The Solarex energy solution aims to become the largest, most efficient and sustainable solar energy provider in Africa, offering energy at an affordable price for all, setting a new standard for energy consumption and focusing tirelessly on customer satisfaction at all times. The Powering Africa Project is a disruptive, decentralized and democratised solar energy project with the purpose to build a solar energy ecosystem that is clean and affordable for everyone.
In a continent with vast resources, 645 million Africans lack access to energy, and the number continues to rise as the population grows, the situation in Central Asia is also pathetic, with some people only gaining access to one or three hours of electricity a day. The truth about global energy penetration is that African countries are among the top 10 in terms of worst access to electricity.
The Solarex project will launch an innovative solar power solution based on block string technology with the Solarex utility token on the Ethereum platform. As demand for solar energy increases rapidly, there are greater opportunities to build large businesses for the future. The goal is to provide much-needed financial support for a clean solar energy solution of maximum value. As a trustworthy company, they encourage blockchain adoption and offer a safe and easy way to take part in the future of financial markets. The SRX stages permit including in a basic and advantageous approach to utilize the full assets of the most present day and propelled advances existing these days.
Solarex Ecosystem is an innovative, disruptive and democratized system that will definitely improve the living conditions of the people of Africa and billions of lives around the world. Solarex is a hybrid provider of next-generation solar starter power backed by the latest Blockchain technology and crypto-currency-enabled transaction systems. Solarex is committed to using this unique, disruptive digital power solution to improve the lives of Africans, most of whom have had private access to a consistent power supply for decades.
Solarex business model is designed to establish off-grid solar farms in the areas of Urban, Semi-Urban and Rural Areas and in designated cluster areas to improve the energy scenario within the selected areas.
Solarex comes with the option to access the Complete Solar Package solution that may be possible through a direct sale, while another option available to consumers is the Solar Package lease, which comes with a customized support with financing.
The backbone for managing and controlling supply and distribution will be based on the smart contract, smart metering and Solarex application supported by Blockchain technology. For the power purchase and fee payment transaction, the Solarex tool token will be issued to create a complete solar ecosystem around Africa.
Peer-to-Peer transition model that unlocks value at the edges of the grid. This will empower consumers and all network participants to receive maximum leverage in a network setting for their contributions in a green economy.
Building decentralized localized networks of renewable energy generation, minimizing transmission costs and carbon intensity in the energy transmission process.
Serve as a baseline incentive and compensation model to lower the cost of solar and encourage investment in distributed energy resources.
Leverage blockchain as a liberation technology to lower barriers and give renewable energy access to the 1.2 billion globally without electricity. 10% of all funds will go directly to fund Microgrid development and off grid technologies in Africa.
Enable citizens to contribute and benefit from the green economy and directly reduce carbon emissions by digitizing all energy-related operational activity.
SRX token
Price PreICO 1 SRX = 0.05 USD
Price 1 SRX = 0.06 USD
Available Bonus
Reward Available
Ethereum Platform
Accepting BTC, ETH, LTC
Soft cap 5,000,000,000 USD
Hard cap 120,000,000,000 USD
Above you can see the roadmap — how the team sees their nearest and long-term future.
Team seems to be the strongest part of this project. It consists of innovative and talented people. Of course I cannot complain if we talk about their professional level, guys indeed are experts on their field.
Solarex project main goal is to create economical, efficient and inexpensive energy throughout Africa. Solarex mission is to open the cryptocurrency market to everyone with a variety of interesting products and services. Be a part of this tremendous project and follow these links for more information;


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