
Showing posts from May, 2018


  Platform Digital Ticks diposisikan sebagai paket layanan berguna yang efektif tersedia bagi para pedagang yang tertarik pada perdagangan yang sukses dan prospektif di pasar aset digital. Layanan yang menjanjikan dibuat khusus untuk perdagangan mata uang crypto. Permasalahan yang Terjadi dalam Pertukaran Cryptocurrency Kurangnya likuiditas adalah kekhawatiran bagi semua pedagang di pasar karena meningkatkan biaya investasi saat melakukan perdagangan dan menyulitkan mereka untuk berdagang. Ini terutama terjadi karena tidak banyak orang yang membeli dan menjual aset di bursa sehingga menciptakan kedalaman tipis di pasar. Saat ini layanan pelanggan merupakan masalah besar bagi komunitas pedagang. Pengiriman layanan pelanggan sangat lambat, mereka bahkan tidak menanggapi pertanyaan selama berhari-hari, waktu penarikan yang lama, masalah masuk dan dana terkunci ke dalam pertukaran dengan tidak ada yang memandu untuk hal yang sama. Ketika berh...

UCHIT: Global decentralize network to communicate & collaborate

A new era has come Technologies are changing the world. What previously seemed to be impossible, today is already the reality. The time for changes in communication has come. So,let us understand what project UCHIT is all about . ABOUT UCHIT Uchit is a peer to peer (P2P) distributed collaboration and communication platform that was created to enhance the way in people communicate. This include communication with an audience and collaboration with team members. A blockchain is a digitized, decentralized, public ledger of all cryptocurrency transactions. Constantly growing as ‘completed’ blocks (the most recent transactions) are recorded and added to it in chronological order, it allows market participants to keep track of digital currency transactions without central recordkeeping. Each node (a computer connected to the network) gets a copy of the blockchain, which is downloaded automatically. Using the Blockchain network, not only does Uchit skip the middleman and allow use...


Blockchain technology is a transparent digital ledger of transactions and records that are immune to change or deletion. Offering additional traits of increased security, lower costs, time efficiency, and error resistance, blockchain has risen, fluctuated in 2017. The utility of blockchain technology is limitless, sparking the growing list of companies, industries, and government exploring its potential adoption. The blockchain is an immutable public ledger that records digital transactions. ABOUT KURECOIN Kurecoin is the newly launched decentralized cryptocurrency in the market that has recently launched their ICO on April 1st, 2018. Based on the Proof of Stake algorithm (PoS), it offers the entire cryptocurrency community a seamless and secured mode of transaction for investors within the KurecoinHub ecosystem and other major exchanges. The ICO will last for 100 days and the token sale will be in four stages, each with different amount of bonus. In phase 1, t...


  Blockchain technology is a transparent digital ledger of transactions and records that are immune to change or deletion. Offering additional traits of increased security, lower costs, time efficiency, and error resistance, blockchain has risen, fluctuated in 2017. The utility of blockchain technology is limitless, sparking the growing list of companies, industries, and government exploring its potential adoption. The blockchain is an immutable public ledger that records digital transactions. ABOUT PRONTAPAY Prontapay is the world’s first Smart Legal Invoice (SLI) payment system that uses smart contracts and blockchain technology to help companies of all sizes increase efficiency, save on transaction costs and create a faster and more secure billing ecosystem has arrived. Prontapay will assume the world’s first Smart Legal Invoice (SLI) ™ payment system, which will apply intellectual contracts and blockchain technology to help businesses at least of the volum...